Financial Advice for New Couples

Financial plans for text.

Combining finances is a big step, but it doesn't have to be daunting. Domain empowers couples to navigate this exciting transition with confidence. We'll guide you through the process, helping you create a roadmap to financial harmony.
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your life together
Navigating a strong financial partnership
Every couple is unique. Whether you're considering combining finances entirely, keeping separate accounts, or finding a middle ground, Domain will create a financial plan that works for you.
Unveiling your finances
Just like parenthood, joining finances requires transparency. Our experts will help you gain a clear picture of your individual income, spending habits, and financial goals. This holistic view sets the foundation for a strong financial future, together.
Optimize your cash flow
Imagine streamlining your finances. With combined accounts and shared budgeting strategies, Domain helps you free up cash to invest in your shared dreams, whether it's a dream vacation, a down payment on a house, or simply achieving financial security.
Building a shared vision
Financial goals are more achievable when you're on the same page. We'll facilitate conversations about your short- and long-term aspirations, helping you create a personalized plan that aligns with your values and priorities as a couple.
Tackling debt as a couple
Let's be honest, merging finances with debt can feel overwhelming.  

Domain simplifies it.

Get a free strategy session with our experts. We'll analyze your debt, craft a personalized plan, and explore ways to tackle it together. Plus, we'll guide you on clear communication – the secret weapon for a strong financial partnership.
Unlocking financial harmony
Joining finances can be a big step, but it doesn't have to be daunting. We'll answer your burning questions and guide you towards a secure financial future, together:
Wondering if merging finances is the right move for you and your partner? You're not alone!  Many couples navigate this exciting yet complex transition. At Domain, we don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. We'll help you explore all your options, from full account merging to a customized strategy that aligns with your unique financial goals and comfort level.    

Schedule your free strategy session today and unlock a clear path towards financial harmony as a couple!
Get a Free Strategy Session
__Should we merged our finances or keep them separate?
__How can we have open and honest conversations about our income and spending habits?
__How can we align our individual financial goals with our shared dreams?
__What steps can we take to achieve financial security together?
__How should we tackle my existing student loan debt and my partner's credit card debt?
__How can I seamlessly combine my bank accounts with my partner's?
__What budgeting system should we use to manage our finances together?
How Domain Money works
Our flat-fee model means no assets under management (AUM) fees and no commissions.
Our focus is your financial well being. We don't push you to buy products, we only provide unbiased expert advice.
We're so confident you'll love Domain Money, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. No questions asked.
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People love our approach
Hear what real clients have to say.

Adrianna did a fantastic job and went into great detail on what exactly I need to do to achieve my goals, and even highlighted different scenarios. I will be recommending Adrianna and Domain Money to everybody!


We had really great and enjoyable conversations that led to a valuable and actionable plan we feel ownership of.


Adrianna is a pleasure to work with and produced high quality information with an actionable one page summary.


Brian was encouraging, thorough, and understanding of my specific situation.


Working with Katy was an excellent experience. We dug into our savings, expenses, college planning and retirement planning. She was very straight forward and unbiased in her assessment and advice. We will continue to work with her.


Great communication. Easy to work with. Super informative.


Katy is an easy person to talk to, realistic about specific lifestyle needs, and crafty to find unique ways to save money, get out of debt, and is very thorough and organized about ways to curb spending.


Katy is tremendous. She's changed the way we think about finances, budgeting, saving and spending. And she's a joy to work with. Don't know what we would do without her!


We have worked with Katy for several years and value the original plan she developed, as well as all of the fine-tuning over the years. Katy is the best!

These testimonials are from current clients of Domain Money Advisors, LLC (Domain). No compensation (non-cash or otherwise) was provided in exchange for these testimonials. Domain does not have any material conflict of interest with the persons giving these testimonials.

"Honestly, I was blown away."
-Rachael Millanta, Nov. 8, 2023