Do you want to know how much you should be spending, saving or if you can afford a home? The One Page Financial Plan provides a tactical guide for those starting out and wanting to optimize their financial resources. This is a 90-minute financial planning session with an actionable One Page Plan to clean-up your current finances and get you on track for your financial goals.
The Strategic Financial Plan enables clients to choose up to three financial areas on which to focus and receive customized advice and recommendations. The most common areas are cash flow, home affordability and retirement. This plan includes two meetings and one month of unlimited phone and email access.
The Comprehensive Plan includes everything in your life with a dollar sign, and while the numbers form the foundation for the plan, it is your goals and values that drive the recommendations. Financial areas include goal setting, cash flow analysis, debt management, investments, tax planning, real estate, education savings, retirement planning, insurance and estate planning. The Comprehensive Planning process is a six-month engagement and consists of four meetings to actively help you implement the plan and keep you accountable.
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