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Good news! I’ve partnered with Domain Money to help all you rich people get personalized advice from a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) professional.
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This service is perfect for my Henry’s and Henriettas. While I’d like to think Taylor Swift is still plugging away in my wealth planner, at some point you need to take the leap to get professional help. I used Domain Money myself. I loved how knowledgeable and empathetic Katy was and it was great to have a set of expert eyes review my whole situation.
Take control of your financial future today. Sign up for a free consultation and begin your journey towards financial wellness and prosperity.
Adrianna Adams
Your plan is ready!
"Honestly, I was blown away."
- Rachael Millanta, Bustle November 8, 2023
A dedicated advisor and a step by step wealth plan.
Move the cash in your Chase account to a 5% APY high yield savings account.
You are only earning 0.1% at Chase. You are missing out on earning an additional 4.9% on your cash.
Current investments are over weighted in US large cap. In your Fidelity account, sell 10% of IVV and purchase 5% of VEU and 5% of IJR.
Over the next 4-5 years, with modest returns of 6%-8%, you will have a 20% down payment on a $1.5 million home.
Reduce shopping and dining out, so that your overall monthly spend is less than $18,000.
This will allow you to save for a house faster and take the trip to Italy this year.
Given your tax rate, each of you contribute $15,000 pre-tax and $8,000 post-tax to your Roth 401(k). Sarah contribute an extra $7,000 from bonus to your Mega backdoor Roth.
This will enable you to retire at 62 and optimize your tax deferred accounts.
your goals
Italy 2024 Vacation - $15,000
Save $1,000 per month in a high yield savings account for this goal. Use $3,000 from Taylor’s bonus to jump start this account. Transfer money back to checking to pay credit card bills from this trip.
House Down Payment - $300,000
It will take 4-5 years to save for a new house, given your current spend levels. If you want to move before Charlie starts school, sell your vested RSUs. You will have the down payment within 3 years.
Mortgage - $1,500,000
A lender will lend you more than you can afford. To keep your monthly payments close to your current rent, your mortgage should be around $1,200,000.
Book your free consultation today.